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How to Stay Motivated to Workout at Home – 10 Tips

Tips To Stay Motivated to Workout

It’s not easy to stay motivated to workout at home when you are all by yourself. These tips will help to keep you motivated to exercise even when no one’s watching. Let’s face it, getting motivated to work out at home isn’t easy for most, but much harder is staying motivated to continue exercising at home. Sure you also need…



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It’s not easy to stay motivated to workout at home when you are all by yourself. These tips will help to keep you motivated to exercise even when no one’s watching.

Let’s face it, getting motivated to work out at home isn’t easy for most, but much harder is staying motivated to continue exercising at home.

Sure you also need self-discipline to go to the gym, I agree, but it’s even more challenging when you are working out in your own home gym. You have to face the at-home temptations that can take you off course.

These tricks will make it MUCH EASIER for you to work out at home

Create Your Own Space

Having a home gym is an excellent way to feel that you’re in control. Although you don’t have to put your home on the market and purchase new digs to find a spare room solely for working out, you want to keep all of your equipment in one room. A computer for playing workout videos can also be convenient.

When all of your equipment is organized in one set area, it can make exercising less of a chore and more of a reality.

When the mood strikes, you don’t want any more obstacles to stand in your way.

Schedule Time to Workout

Let’s be honest, the first 5 or 10 minutes of working out can be really hard, especially when you have a list of excuses ready in your mind. To make it easier to fit in a daily workout, delegate a set time each day to exercise.

Based on your schedule, commitments, and the flexibility of working out at home, you can set a designated time to lift weights, run on the treadmill, do circuit training or practice yoga moves.

Work out with Your Buddy

A workout buddy can help keep you on track when you’d much rather stay in bed and watch T.V.

The accountability that a friend can bring can motivate and inspire.

Just make sure the partner that you choose is serious about working out.

On days when your friend is busy or they bail on you, have something prepared that allows you to work out alone.

Ditch the Electronics

Playing smartphone games, surfing the Internet and catching up on social networks are distractions when exercising. You finish a set, try to catch up on Facebook and before you know you’ve already rested 10 minutes between exercises, your rest periods are screwed up, your body cools down and you lose momentum.

It’s best to keep your phone and other electronics safely out of reach until you’ve finished, at least with your strength training part. You could use your phone during cardio as it can help time pass by faster.

Prepare your Workout Routines in Advance

Before you work out, search the Internet, fitness magazines and smartphone apps for some of your favorite moves. When you’re ready to exercise, you won’t waste additional time wondering what to do.

The last thing you want is your brain to start thinking what’s going to be next exercise. This adds unnecessary fatigue on your brain that can cause you to quit in the middle. You want to know exactly what you are going to do next, just plan your exercises before starting.

You can even keep track of the areas of the body you would like to work on each day. You can go old-school and just write it down a notepad or use one of the many smartphone apps out there. Designate specific days for cardio, stretching, abs, legs, glutes, biceps, triceps, chest, deltoids and back.

Wear Workout Clothes   (don’t work out in your pyjamas or with day-to-day clothes)

Although you won’t be heading to the gym, you want to have your gym clothes and shoes within reach.

After you get home from work or picking up the children at school, you can change and start your workout.

Studies also show that what you wear can also impact your exercise performance.

Enclothed cognition is a psychological phenomenon that suggests certain clothes may trigger mental changes that can impact performance positively. The next time you dig out old sweats and a tank top, switch them out for some rockin’ workout gear.

Pump Up The Volume

Similar to breaking in a new pair of workout shoes, music is just as important to your performance. Exercising with the right tunes has become such a common necessity, Apple and Nike have combined with IPod to help make your workout that much more powerful.

Recent studies find the connection between your feet and ears boosts your efficiency. The right songs can also tell the voice in your head that is signaling for you to quit, to go an extra 10 minutes instead.

Here’s a popular workout motivation music.

Decorate Your Room With Motivational Posters and Photos

When decorating your workout room, look for accents that are going to complement and boost your workout.

Include posters of a fitness models or bodybuilders that you admire. Take some sticky notes, write motivating quotes on them and spread them out everywhere, you’ll be surprised how motivating this can be when you are just about thinking to quit.

If you’re trying to fit into a particular outfit or swimsuit, put it on display as a key motivating tool.

Every time you feel like quitting, you’ll be inspired by the items that you choose to surround yourself with.

Play Workout Videos

Play some hardcore fitness or workout videos on your T.V. or computer. These can really get you into the right mood to hit the iron as hard as you can with full motivation. 



Make sure to prepare your favorite videos beforehand, don’t spend time during your workout looking for videos on YouTube, that’s a no-no and a hidden workout sabotager


If you choose to exercise and watch the wrong content you could be setting yourself up for failure.

I know firsthand. There’s a gym I used to train at with the TV set to National Geography channel.There were many times that I found myself watching T.V. during a workout for way too long when something interesting was showing on. Granted, at least it’s NatGeo and not some crap stupid reality show, but still, I found myself resting too long between sets and exercises.

Switch Up Your Workouts

Doing the same routine over and over can be boring. You’ll be more prone to sticking to your at home workout regimen when you switch things up. Change your routine from time to time to avoid mental boredom and break strength plateau.

To make cardio less monotonous and more interesting try to spice up things, like running up and down stairs in between weight lifting sessions. On nice days, get outdoors and run laps around your home and yard. Set up stations with weights, jump rope, exercise bands and kettlebells.

At the end of the week when your body is sore, try yoga, Pilates or Zumba as a special reward. Your body also adapts to your repetitions. 

Working Out at Home Made Easier

With the right tools, organization, setting and music, you can reap the healthy rewards without leaving home.

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About Tim & Lisa


Hey there, I’m Tim, co-founder of GymPerson.com.
I am a former fitness physique competitor with over 20 years of intense experience in strength training, weight lifting and body transformation.

I’m Lisa, a donut eater turned into a health conscious person turned into a marathon runner (side note: losing some 60+ pounds along the way!)

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